I finally was able to finish my FALL/NOEL CD's that I first fell in love with at Regionals. Well, I'm not 100% done, but will be momentarily. I didn't color in the stocking that's on the "N" of NOEL.
I apparently didn't plan it entirely enough when I was putting it together. You see, I had painted most of the letters black, exept for the N & the E. I had originally intended for at least one of those letters to go on the blue background (the O is on). But, when I put together the FALL side first, I wasnt paying attention to what order the colors were going together. I also should have painted one L white to go on the black/web background for FALL. Instead, I put the black letter on white paper & put that on the black/web background.
Overall, I'm pretty thrilled with the way it turned out. I just know for the next couple I put together what I need to look out for.
In the picture, I have it hanging on a towel bar purchased from the local home improvement store. It's just sitting on top of the fireplace (not bolted down). The little brown piece in between the A/L & the O/E is a decorative piece on our fireplace.
As always, for a better, close up image, simply click the picture(s).
By the way, I am selling these at a craft fair this weekend for $25 (towel bar not included) & would be happy to make one for you too. Either leave a message in the comments section or shoot me an email. Even if you don't want me to make you one, leave me a comment & let me know what you think.